Hello, my name is Pete, nickname actually, and I have been sharpening edges for over 40 years now.
Axe Rejuvenation Inc. is 100% Metis Owned & Operated Company
I am trained as a mechanical engineering technologist, Registered Engineering Technologist in Alberta. I am also a studio recording engineer, analog only no digital abilities.
I have worked in the oil & gas, mining & minerals, uranium & nuclear sectors in North America, Mexico and Australia since the early 70’s.
I started sharpening by hand on an Arkansas soft stone for a couple of years then made the jump over to the guided rod system and have used that system for knives and swords. I also use a modified version of the guided rod system in a bigger version for axes, some large hatchets and mauls.
I started by chance really with the rejuvenation of axes, hatchet’s, maul’s, sledgehammer’s etc. about 20 years ago now.

I started with my family members and soon after started accepting items from whomever wanted or needed the rejuvenation process applied to their specific items. These include hammers of all types and sizes, metal work that folks wanted the mirror finish on their items, reshaping of badly abused sledgehammers, sheet metal hammers, cribbing hammers etc.
These are the backgrounds that have provided me the knowledge, practice, insight and personal edification on the technique, attention to detail and appropriate selection of tools and processes with which I use/practice presently.
My specialty is and will likely always be the sharpening of edges. At present in early 2023 I have successfully sharpened over 5000 edges of all types for a wide range of uses both personal and professional.
I provide trueing and cleaning up of damaged portions of axes, hatchets, mauls, hammers, sledgehammers, and any steel tools that are typically used in the yard or in the forest.
I can bring any of these items to a mirror finish or other finish as requested.
I treat the handles to a multi-step Boiled Linseed Oil (BLO) process which leaves the handles very smooth and provides good grip and is easy on your hands. Odies Oil or other treatment can also be used as requested.
As an engineer quality and accuracy are of utmost importance to the end user and it is this mindset and approach that I bring to the rejuvenation process of your items.
Get in touch.
Ask for a quote or send me your questions.